Shannon Cooper, PsyD


  • Wycoff, S. & Dickson, S. A. (2013). Interventions to treat families who have experienced  historical trauma. Psychology of Trauma. Nova Publications.

    Vargas, L. & Dickson, S.A. (2005). Understanding domestic violence: Implications for  practice. VISTAS 2006, American Counseling Association. 

  • Cooper, S & Street, J (2024). Emotional Hydration: How To Stay Well During Unwell Times. Association of Family & Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Conference.

    Cooper, S. (2023). Student Conduct vs. Student Distress: Why It’s Important to Know the Difference. CSU, San Francisco.  

    Cooper, S. (2023). Managing Escalating Behavior Inside/Outside the Classroom Series. Los Rios Community College District. Sacramento, Ca.

    Cooper, S. (2023). Managing Escalating Behavior Inside/Outside the Classroom. Solano Community College District. 

     Ina, S., Cooper, S. and Williams, D. (2021). Solidarity: Healing Racial Trauma. San Mateo County Transit District. San Mateo, Ca. 

    Cooper, S. (2020). Suffering in Silence: Mental Health and Wellness in Our Community. Department of Health and Human Services. Sacramento, Ca.

    Cooper, S. (2020). Trauma Informed Care Inside the Classroom: If Not Now, When? If Not Us, Who? Solano Community College District. Fairfield, Ca.

    Cooper, S. (2019). Posttraumatic Stress in African American Adolescents and What to Do About It. Department of Social Services. Sacramento, Ca.

    Lawenson, L., Dickson, S. A. & Somer, M. (2016). Praxis for Educating Women of Color: Stories, Self-Care Strategies & Higher Education Leadership Navigation. National Conference on Race and Ethnicity. San Francisco, CA. 

    Dickson, S. & Endriga, M. (2013). Using a Culturally Responsive Framework for Work with Clients. Mercy Medical Group.

    Dickson, S. & Thompson, A. (2013). Trauma Resiliency Model. Black Infant Health Center. Sacramento, CA. 

    Dickson, S. & Esposito-Noy, C. (2013). Mental Health and Academic Success: Why colleges must attend to student well-being. Ethics Symposium. Sacramento State University.