Leeza Reyburn, PsyD


  • Harrell, S.P., Henderson, I.S., Meng, C., Reyburn, L., Smith, B., & Williams, R. (2024, January 18-19). Sankofa theory and practice: Centering the alchemy of reconnection in our healing interventions [Conference poster session]. National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Santa Fe, NM, United States.

    Reyburn, L. (2022, March).  Recovery with Fortitude and Gratitude: Posttraumatic Growth & Racial Trauma.  Presented at the Association of Women Psychologists (AWP) Annual Conference 2022: Feminist Psychology in the 21st Century, Chicago, IL.

    Reyburn, L. (2018, February).  Sanctuary in California: Using Assessment to Advocate for Immigrants.  Presented at the California Psychological Association of Graduate Students (CPAGS) Cross Cultural Conference (CCC), Berkeley, CA.